1. Ice Cream Origins: Ice cream can be traced back to ancient China, where a frozen mixture of milk and rice was enjoyed as a dessert over 2,000 years ago.
2. Top Ice Cream Flavors: While there are countless ice cream flavors, the most popular flavor in the United States is vanilla, followed closely by chocolate and strawberry.
3. Brain Freeze Explanation: The sensation of "brain freeze" occurs when cold ice cream touches the roof of your mouth, causing blood vessels to constrict and then rapidly dilate, leading to a sharp headache-like sensation.
4. First Ice Cream Cone: Ice cream cones are believed to have been invented in 1904 at the St. Louis World's Fair when an ice cream vendor ran out of dishes and teamed up with a waffle vendor to create the first edible ice cream cone.
5. Guinness World Record: The largest ice cream cone ever made measured over 10 feet tall and was created in Italy in 2018. It took over 330 pounds of ice cream to fill!